Monday, August 31, 2009

been a few days....

It's been a few days but I'm still here. Logan started crawling about a week ago and is keeping me busier than ever. She is also teething and cranky! Had a nice weekend with my family and looking forward to the long one coming up.

So I mentioned Logan is crawling AND teething. She is now also trying to pull herself up on everything. This means we've got to start securing things around here. The first of which is our tv. It is a flat screen and not really on a good entertainment center for it's size. When we got the tv we knew we needed a new entertainment center/stand but we just haven't gotten around to it yet (big surprise). I think we either need a stand that you actually attach the back of the tv to or we need to just mount it on the wall. I am really concerned about Logan pulling the tv down on herself. I'm even nervous when the older girls get too close to it. This has to be one of our next projects.

Interesting stuff here, huh?


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

One of those days...

Today has just been one of those days. My girls are at each other's throats. I'm trying to get the house cleaned up and feeling stressed big-time because I have to keep "breaking-up" fights! Logan seems to be cutting more teeth because she is just little miss grump-butt for the past couple of days. God Bless her little heart!

On the bright side I'm going to the salon today for a color & cut. My Sister-In-Law is coming to relieve me from my Motherly duties for about an hour and a half and I get to sit in a chair and read a magazine!! I've decided to get a good chunk of my hair cut off today. I'm tired of just always pulling it back in a pony tail b/c I don't have time to blow it out and then straighten it. I think I'm going to go with a cute little cut that I had back in the day when Roy and I first started dating. If it turns out well then I will post a pic. Maybe even a before and after.

I think I hear Lo Lo chattering and my sis in law will be here soon...

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Back Again!

As usual the weekend has flown by. The girls look forward to having Roy home all week and then before you know it Sunday night is here and they're asking, "do you have to work tomorrow Daddy?" It's acutally more like, "do you have to work yesterday, Daddy?" They haven't quite gotten down the whole yesterday, today, next week thing.

Speaking of our girls I guess I should say a little about our family. Roy and I have been married 6 years in September and we have three girls Olivia (Liv), Abagail (Abbey or Doodle Bug) and our newest addition Logan (Lo Lo). Still living in a starter home that we've grown out of... with hopes of a bigger place to spread out in soon. So the two liner in the title of this blog is outdated but I'll get to that later.

So as I was saying the weekend flew right by and here I am on Sunday night wishing I had gotten a little more done while Roy was home. It's 8 and the girls are all tucked in to bed and now I'm looking forward to some quality time with the husband.

Friday, August 21, 2009

So I started this blog 3 years ago...I use the word started loosely because I haven't written a single thing other than the 2 sentence description since. So typical of me to start something but never truly "begin." The truth is that blogging was not nearly as popular then and I felt kind of weird just writing about ordinary old me and my family. I still feel kind of weird but after seeing the movie Julie & Julia last night with some friends, I was inspired to dust off my blog page and write a few words. I doubt I'm going to come home one day to 65 messages from reporters and producers begging to talk to me but, who knows....maybe it will provide me with a much needed outlet. But...more than likely, this will end up being my last post for another 2 years!
