~They wake you up at 5am asking to sleep in your bed and you let them because you just want 5 more minutes.
~They run away from you in public places and you have to run after them looking like a fool.When you finally catch them they fight with you and you have to carry them screaming and kicking out of the place...and again you look like a fool.
~At bedtime and nap time you have to put them back in bed 25 times and then you're so tired you have to take a nap instead of throwing in a load of laundry.
~When you take them to the store you have to buy them a lollipop just so they won't embarrass you.
~When you try to put them in their car seat they scream, kick and throw their body forward so that you have to be an expert wrestler just to get them buckled in. When you look up you see people staring at you and you can see on their faces that they are considering a phone call to child protective services.
~They eat crayons and you let them because you just can't fight anymore.
~You show up late everywhere because they can't find their favorite stuffed animal or you can't find their left shoe.
~They don't want you hugging or kissing their sisters because it's all about them.
~They don't eat, you don't want them to starve, so you let them drink 10 glasses of milk each day and when you tell the pediatrician this, you get in trouble.
Thank God her kisses taste like bubblegum!
Amen sister!!! That was cute!
Very cute. At this time I can definitely relate to #5 - I bribe Jessie by telling her there are cookies in the car. Glad to know I am not alone!
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