Monday, January 9, 2012

2012 Is Here!

I'm not going to ramble on about how I haven't written in a while or why I haven't. Who cares, honestly?

2012 is here and a lot of bloggers are throwing out a word that they are going to live/breathe by in 2012. I'm not going to do that, not because I don't think it's a worthy exercise in resolving to be a better person than who you were in 2011, but because I think I'd do better to throw out a theme word from 2011 and resolve to be a little less of it. In 2011, I was ungrateful. In fact, I'm pretty sure I could say I've been ungrateful for about 40 years to be exact. I am a blessed and lucky girl...I'm not going to bore you with all the reasons I am because, honestly, most of us are and my reasons are no different. I'm just going to say that I want to turn things around and work on learning to be, and being grateful. Not just in 2012 either, but for the rest of my years. Do I have a plan for how I'm going to do this? No, not really. I am just going to take it one day at a time. Will I update you on how my 2012 project grateful is going? Ahhh..I'm not sure because I'm not even sure I can call it a project and we all know my track record on posting updates to this blog anyway. I just had some thoughts I wanted to get down on "paper" today. Who knows how long it will be before that desire pops up again ;)


1 comment:

Jodi said...

A-FREAKING-MEN! I feel like there is all this goddamn pressure to like come up with *something* that my whole freaking year has to amount to? FOR REAL? Dude if I get through a whole stinking day with everyone breathing, mostly fed and content - it's a WIN. I might have a ranty-mcrant-rant blog post myself coming on here... :) GLAD YOU ARE POSTING!