Sunday, February 5, 2012


With the end of phase one complete I weighed myself and took measurements to compare with my measurements 4 weeks ago. My weight loss is a measly half pound but it appears I've lost an inch all the way around. The inches lost are more important than the weight since it clearly shows I'm building muscle (muscle weighs more than fat but takes up less space). So while this is all a positive outcome I just don't see it. My pants are still tight and every pair seems to give me a muffin top. This is so frustrating for me since I've never gained weight in my middle area. I've always been a person who gains weight in the butt and thighs and maintains a flat stomach. It's strange that I'm now packing it on in the midsection. Maybe this is what 40 does to you?

I am no expert by any means but I'm convinced that p90x just does not include enough cardio. At least it doesn't seem to be enough cardio for me. Don't get me wrong, what cardio it does have is killer but it's just not enough for this cardio junkie. With an hour and a half invested in p90 each day it's hard to fit much else in but this week I managed to squeeze in two runs. Next week my goal is three. The runs weren't easy but felt great! If anything, running works wonders for my mental health and that's enough reason to add it back in. Truth be told I'm hoping that it rids me of this muffin top as well. I'm thinking that maybe my body is just as addicted to the running as my mind is and it's rebelling by making me suffer with a muffin top. "Hey Body...You Win..I will run and I will love don't have to tell me twice!"

Speaking of progress, after a potty train fail over a month ago Logan is trained. She is such a strong willed little thing. This time it was her idea to try again and wouldn't you know it...success. I'm convinced that because it was our idea the first time she just wasn't interested. Can I tell you just how happy this Mommy is to be done with diapers for good? I'm so proud of my youngest little gal. How do they grow up so fast?