Friday, January 21, 2011

Why God Makes 2 year-olds Cute

Why is it that God makes two year-olds so stinking cute? I'll tell you why:

~They wake you up at 5am asking to sleep in your bed and you let them because you just want 5 more minutes.

~They run away from you in public places and you have to run after them looking like a fool.When you finally catch them they fight with you and you have to carry them screaming and kicking out of the place...and again you look like a fool.

~At bedtime and nap time you have to put them back in bed 25 times and then you're so tired you have to take a nap instead of throwing in a load of laundry.

~When you take them to the store you have to buy them a lollipop just so they won't embarrass you.

~When you try to put them in their car seat they scream, kick and throw their body forward so that you have to be an expert wrestler just to get them buckled in. When you look up you see people staring at you and you can see on their faces that they are considering a phone call to child protective services.

~They eat crayons and you let them because you just can't fight anymore.

~You show up late everywhere because they can't find their favorite stuffed animal or you can't find their left shoe.

~They don't want you hugging or kissing their sisters because it's all about them.

~They don't eat, you don't want them to starve, so you let them drink 10 glasses of milk each day and when you tell the pediatrician this, you get in trouble.

Thank God her kisses taste like bubblegum!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Reason To Run

The other day the husband registered us for The Broad Street run. This is a 10 miler that we've run in the past. It is a fun, fast, flat race. This year they are capping the run at 30,000. Registration opened on Saturday and it's already been closed...unbelievable!! Last year the husband and I missed out because we waited too long to register. Since I had already started training for the run I was pretty disappointed. That was last year, this year we are IN!

Now let the training begin (at the end of February actually)! I haven't been running too much recently because I have something going on with my right leg and lower back on the right side. My guess is that it's my sciatic nerve. It has acted up on me in the past. I've still been hitting the gym and doing a lot of other things like Zumba, Spinning and Body Works and throwing in a short 3 or 4 miler once a week. Over the next few weeks I will be easing back into my running and my training schedule will start about 10 weeks out.  It will look something like this:

This schedule is loosely based on Hal Higdon's intermediate 15k training schedule. This is not carved in stone because there will be times when a workout will be missed and sometimes the days will be flipped. Some weekends my long run may happen on a Saturday and REST will be Sunday. I also intend on incorporating my Zumba classes into this schedule as cross training since I enjoy them so much, and maybe even a spinning class or two. In other words, I reserve the right to flip and maneuver this schedule however I see fit. :)

Wish me luck!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Remember Me?

Sometimes you need to to take a break from being Mom and Dad and spend a little time just being you! Lest you forget who YOU are.

That is exactly what the husband and I did last night. We packed up the car with pretty much everything the girls own and took a 40 minute drive to drop of #1,2 AND 3. Yes, my brother and his fiancé were brave enough to take on #3 OVERNIGHT (she has a bit of a reputation)!

We then made the 40 minute return drive home and met up with friends to take the train into the city. We had a great time and even made it back home by midnight. It felt great to just be Bobbie and Roy for the night but coming home to an empty house, OUR empty house, felt strange. Peeking in to the kids rooms and seeing empty beds gave me a little ache in my heart, but the ache suspiciously disappeared when I realized no one would be waking me at 7!

Being a Mom is the best job in the world, the dream job I've always wanted...but being Bobbie is what I do best!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Still Out of Milk

A few months ago I stopped posting on my other blog, My Mama Runs. Honestly I didn't like the direction it was heading in. I love reading Healthy Living Blogs and since I lead a fairly healthy lifestyle I thought that was the direction I should go in. I quickly tired of taking pictures of everything I ate and wanted to talk more about my girls and every day life. At first I thought that maybe I could wrap it all up together into one blog but it just wasn't working. I found myself not wanting to post very often but forcing myself out of guilt. Guilt for what, I'm not sure, but I suppose that's just something that comes naturally when you're a mom. As much as I love working out and constantly reading about every new fitness craze, as I sit here typing with Logan on my lap I know that my girls, my family, is where my inspiration is.

So, after thinking about it for a while now, I've come to the conclusion that although I do not have the desire to continue writing over at My Mama Runs, I am going to continue to write on this family blog that I started a few years ago. I may not write every day and no one may even know I'm blogging here but this is something I'm doing for myself for a change and I won't be concerned about who's reading or what anyone thinks of what I'm eating and how often I'm exercising.

Way back when I named this blog, Olivia was still a baby and "We're Out of Milk"  were probably the most commonly spoken words in our house. Now, about 4 years later, we have come full circle and those words are still spoken way too often. In fact, Logan seems to have a little problem with the white stuff and we may have to start thinking about an intervention soon!