Sunday, January 15, 2012

p90x and a sore bum!!

Today I just completed my first week of p90x and let me tell you's killer. I'm not following the recommended eating plan as I know how to eat right and I can't stand to follow someone else's menu. My body is sore in spots that I never knew existed! It's a good soreness but I'm suffering a little. My hate for laundry is at an all time high (my laundry room is downstairs)!

Although I'm not following the suggested meal plan I ate really well all week. I am up 7lbs from my usual weight, the weight where I feel my best. I'm sure this is due to the holidays, the Disney trip and all three of my girls' Birthday. I hate the feeling of my clothes being tight! It makes me want to wear sweatpants every day. This is why I decided to go to extremes and devote the next 90 days to p90x.

I'd like to say that I'm enjoying the p90x workouts but I really am not. I miss running! I'm hoping that once the workouts become a little easier for me (they will, won't they?) I can add in some runs because nothing beats the high that I get from a run. The Broad Street Run is right around the corner so I can't slack too much on the running.

Wish me luck for the next 83 days! I hope my bum can survive!


Jennifer On... said...

Go Bobbie! I've heard P90X is crazy hard. You can do it!

Jodi said...

It is hard. There is a slightly modified version (the non-x) that is also good - more moderate and works well for runners. I am starting Pilates tomorrow. Good Lord. :) You can do it!